2022/23 年犯罪受害者调查显示,在高谋杀率和警察信任度下降的背景下,37% 的南非人在夜间感到安全。 2022/23 Victims of Crime survey shows 37% of South Africans feel safe at night amidst high homicide rates and declining police trust.
南非是世界上凶杀率最高的国家之一,非法枪支是导致暴力犯罪率高涨的重要原因。 South Africa has one of the world's highest homicide rates, with illegal guns playing a significant role in high levels of violent crime. 2022/23 年犯罪受害者调查显示,只有 37% 的南非人在晚上感到安全。 A 2022/23 Victims of Crime survey revealed only 37% of South Africans felt safe at night. 公众对警察的信任度从 2015 年的 38% 下降到 2021 年的 27%。 Public trust in police has declined from 38% in 2015 to 27% in 2021. 南非有超过160万私人持枪者,总共拥有270万支枪支。 There are over 1.6 million private licensed firearm owners in South Africa, who collectively own 2.7 million firearms.