加拿大公园管理局对四名进入贾斯珀国家公园驯鹿禁区的人提出指控。 Parks Canada charged four individuals for entering caribou closures in Jasper National Park.
加拿大公园管理局对四名进入贾斯珀国家公园驯鹿禁区的人提出指控。 Parks Canada charged four individuals for entering caribou closures in Jasper National Park. 公园管理员长途跋涉进入该地区发现了这些人,并将他们护送出去。 The individuals were found by park wardens who trekked into the area and escorted them out. 加拿大公园管理局鼓励人们报告有人安全进入封闭区域的情况,并致电调度中心进行通报。 Parks Canada encourages people to report human entrance into closure areas safely and call their dispatch to inform. 这起事件发生在两次个人闯入季节性驯鹿禁区的事件之后。 This incident occurred after two separate breaches of individuals entering the seasonal caribou area closures.