内布拉斯加州正在考虑一项法案,要求用户同意出售生物识别数据,允许在不损失服务的情况下选择退出,并由州总检察长强制执行。 Nebraska considers a bill requiring user consent for selling biometric data, allowing opt-out without service loss, and enforced by the state attorney general.
内布拉斯加州正在考虑一项法案,如果通过,将要求公司在出售生物识别数据(包括面部特征、心率和声音)之前征求用户同意。 Nebraska is considering a bill that, if passed, would require companies to ask for user consent before selling biometric data, including facial features, heart rate, and voice. 用户可以选择退出而不会失去对服务的访问权限,如果用户一年内没有使用该服务,公司将需要删除数据。 Users would be allowed to opt out without losing access to services and companies would need to delete data if a user has not used the service in a year. 州总检察长将强制执行任何违规行为,并给予公司 60 天的时间来解决问题。 The state attorney general would enforce any violations, giving companies 60 days to fix issues.