德国工会威尔第要求汉莎航空地勤人员提高工资,并威胁进一步罢工。 German labor union Verdi demands a higher wage increase for Lufthansa ground crew, threatening further strikes.
德国工会威尔第要求汉莎航空在同意薪资谈判之前为其地勤人员提供更高的工资增长,以避免进一步罢工。 German labor union Verdi demands Lufthansa offers a higher wage increase for its ground crew before agreeing to pay talks, to avoid further strikes. 威尔第希望工资上涨 12.5%,或者在 12 个月内每月至少增加 500 欧元,再加上一次性支付 3,000 欧元。 Verdi wants a 12.5% wage rise or at least €500 more per month over 12 months, plus a one-time payment of €3,000. 此前的谈判没有达成任何结果,地勤人员本月已经两次罢工,影响了超过10万名乘客。 Previous talks ended without resolution, and ground staff have already gone on strike twice this month, affecting over 100,000 passengers.