德国汉莎航空面临地勤人员第三轮罢工。 Germany's Lufthansa faces a third round of strikes by ground staff.
德国汉莎航空公司的地勤人员面临第三轮罢工,威尔第工会呼吁就悬而未决的薪酬谈判举行为期三天的罢工。 Germany's Lufthansa airline faces a third round of strikes by its ground staff, as the Verdi trade union calls for a three-day strike over unresolved pay negotiations. 工会声称汉莎航空最新的薪资报价未达到其要求,其中包括加薪 12.5% 或每月至少增加 500 欧元。 The union claims that Lufthansa's latest pay offer fell short of its demands, which include a 12.5% pay rise or a minimum increase of €500 per month. 这些罢工是德国各行业更广泛的抗议和罢工浪潮的一部分,因为工人们要求提高工资,以应对通货膨胀和 COVID-19 大流行对其购买力的影响。 The strikes are part of a broader wave of protests and strikes across various sectors in Germany as workers demand higher wages to combat inflation and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their purchasing power.