波音公司解雇 737 MAX 负责人埃德·克拉克 (Ed Clark)。 Boeing Fires 737 MAX Chief Ed Clark.
上个月,一架飞机在飞行途中空气面板发生爆炸,波音公司因此解除了 737 MAX 项目负责人埃德·克拉克 (Ed Clark) 的职务。 Boeing has removed the head of its 737 MAX program, Ed Clark, amid heightened scrutiny following a mid-flight blowout of an air panel on a plane last month. 该事件导致 171 架飞机暂时停飞。 The incident led to the temporary grounding of 171 planes. 克拉克是波音公司 18 年的资深员工,他将立即离开公司。 Clark, an 18-year Boeing veteran, is leaving the company with immediate effect. 负责向航空公司提供 737 飞机的副总裁凯蒂·林戈尔德 (Katie Ringgold) 已被任命为他的继任者。 Katie Ringgold, a vice president in charge of delivering 737s to airlines, has been appointed as his successor. 1 月 5 日,阿拉斯加航空运营的一架 737 MAX 飞机在飞行途中空气面板发生爆裂,导致飞机紧急迫降,机舱内出现一个大洞。 The move comes after a 737 MAX operated by Alaska Airlines suffered a mid-flight blowout of an air panel on January 5, triggering an emergency landing with the plane left with a gaping hole in the cabin.