比哈尔邦政府从 4 月 1 日起停止学院附属大学的中级课程,转至高中。 Bihar government discontinues intermediate classes in college-affiliated universities from April 1, shifting to higher secondary schools.
比哈尔邦政府从4月1日起停止各大学附属学院的中级课程。 Bihar government discontinues intermediate classes in colleges affiliated to various universities from April 1. 教育部表示,现在只在高中提供中级教育,并指出《大学法》已建议将中级(加两级)与大学脱钩,但由于高等教育的基础设施和人力不足,无法提前实施。中学。 The Education department stated that intermediate education will now be imparted only in higher secondary schools, and noted that delinking intermediate (plus two) from colleges has been recommended in the Universities Act but couldn't be enforced earlier due to insufficient infrastructure and manpower in higher secondary schools.