Senior PLC 与空中客车公司和空中客车大西洋公司签订了航空结构零件和座椅结构合同。 Senior PLC secures contracts with Airbus and Airbus Atlantic for aerostructure parts and seat structures.
英国工程公司Senior PLC 已与空中客车公司和空中客车大西洋公司签订了两份合同。 Senior PLC, a UK engineering company, has secured two contracts with Airbus and Airbus Atlantic. 第一个涉及为空客 A320 和 A330 飞机供应航空结构部件,将于 1 月份开始交付。 The first involves supplying aerostructure parts for Airbus A320 and A330 aircraft, with deliveries beginning in January. 第二个项目是,从 2024 年初开始,泰国 Senior Aerospace 根据空中客车大西洋航空公司的合同,向一家欧洲主要航空公司提供商务舱座椅结构。 The second is for Senior Aerospace Thailand to supply business class seat structures to a major European airline, starting in early 2024, under a contract from Airbus Atlantic.