阿联酋首次引进A350号空中客车,从1月开始用于商业航班。 Emirates introduces its first Airbus A350, set for commercial flights starting in January.
阿联酋已收到第一架空中客车A350型飞机,这是自2008年以来加入其机队的第一架新型飞机。 Emirates has received its first Airbus A350 aircraft, marking the first new type to join its fleet since 2008. 在订购的65架飞机中,这架飞机将于1月开始商业飞行,从通往爱丁堡的路线开始,并扩大到中东、西亚和欧洲的其他八个目的地。 Out of 65 ordered, this aircraft will begin commercial flights in January, starting with a route to Edinburgh and expanding to eight other destinations across the Middle East, West Asia, and Europe. 《A350》拥有32个商务级、21个经济先令和259个经济级席位。 The A350 features 32 Business Class, 21 Premium Economy, and 259 Economy Class seats. 运送飞行使用了喷气式燃料和可持续航空燃料的组合。 The delivery flight used a mix of jet fuel and sustainable aviation fuel.