佐治亚州霍格哈莫克社区的奴隶后裔起诉麦金托什县的分区变更,这些变更因增加财产税而威胁到他们岛上的家园。 Descendants of slaves in Georgia's Hogg Hummock community sue McIntosh County over zoning changes that threaten their island homes due to increased property taxes.
佐治亚州萨佩洛岛霍格哈莫克社区奴隶后裔的律师请求法官不要驳回他们对麦金托什县的诉讼,因为该县的分区变更威胁到了少数族裔社区的岛屿家园。 Attorneys for descendants of slaves in Georgia's Hogg Hummock community on Sapelo Island are requesting a judge not to dismiss their lawsuit against McIntosh County over zoning changes that threaten the minority community's island homes. 该诉讼称,该地区较大的房屋将导致居民无力承担的财产税增加。 The lawsuit claims that larger homes in the area will lead to increased property taxes that the residents cannot afford. 法官尚未做出决定,但双方预计将在 3 月 1 日之前提交拟议命令。 The judge has not made a decision yet but both sides are expected to file proposed orders by March 1.