佐治亚州规定,黑人奴隶的后代不能通过公投来挑战影响其社区的区域划分变化。 Georgia county rules that descendants of Black slaves cannot challenge zoning changes affecting their community through a referendum.
佐治亚州的一个县表示,黑人奴隶后裔不能通过全民公投来挑战威胁他们岛屿社区的分区变化,因为佐治亚州宪法允许公民对某些县的决定强制进行特别选举,但不能推翻分区决定。 A Georgia county states that Black slave descendants cannot use a referendum to challenge zoning changes threatening their island community, as Georgia's state constitution allows citizens to force special elections on some county decisions but not to overturn zoning decisions.