火箭实验室成功将太空舱返回地球。 Rocket Lab Successfully Returns Spacecraft Capsule to Earth.
美国火箭实验室成功将一艘载有瓦尔达航天工业公司在太空制造的药品的航天器返回地球。 Rocket Lab USA successfully returned a spacecraft capsule to Earth containing pharmaceuticals manufactured in space by Varda Space Industries. 太空舱降落在犹他州沙漠,标志着商业公司首次将航天器降落在美国土地上,并成功完成了瓦尔达首次在轨道上种植药品的实验任务。 The capsule landed in the Utah desert, marking the first time a commercial company has landed a spacecraft on U.S. soil and the successful conclusion of Varda's first experimental mission to grow pharmaceuticals in orbit. 返回的用于治疗艾滋病毒/艾滋病的药物利托那韦晶体将被分析并与空军和美国宇航局共享,以进行飞行后表征。 The returned crystals of the drug ritonavir, used to treat HIV/AIDS, will be analyzed and shared with Air Force and NASA for post-flight characterization.