Norths Collective 采用 Boomi 的 iPaaS 来连接系统。 Norths Collective implements Boomi's iPaaS to connect systems.
智能集成和自动化领导者 Boomi 宣布,Norths Collective 是一家以营利为目的的企业,拥有八个酒店场所和两个健身中心,该公司正在使用 Boomi 平台来支持个性化会员体验、增强日常运营以及通过产业整合加速扩张。 Boomi, an intelligent integration and automation leader, announced that Norths Collective, a profit-for-purpose business with eight hospitality venues and two fitness centers, is using the Boomi platform to power personalized member experiences, enhance day-to-day operations, and accelerate expansion through industry amalgamation. 通过实施 Boomi 的集成平台即服务 (iPaaS),Norths Collective 旨在连接孤立的系统、集中数据并改进决策。 By implementing Boomi's integration platform as a service (iPaaS), Norths Collective aims to connect siloed systems, centralize data, and improve decision-making.