诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司在犹他州完成了关键的哨兵洲际弹道导弹测试,为结构动力学提供了重要的飞行数据。 Northrop Grumman completed key Sentinel ICBM tests in Utah, providing vital inflight data for structural dynamics.
诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司在犹他州完成了“哨兵”洲际弹道导弹关键部件的测试,标志着该项目的工程、制造和开发阶段取得了重大进展。 Northrop Grumman completed tests on key elements of the Sentinel ICBM in Utah, marking significant progress during the program's engineering, manufacturing, and development phase. 这些测试提供了有关导弹飞行中结构动力学的重要数据,支持工程团队降低风险并确保飞行成功。 The tests provided crucial data about the missile's inflight structural dynamics, supporting engineering teams in lowering risk and ensuring flight success. “哨兵”计划旨在到 2075 年实现美国战略三位一体地面部分的现代化。 The Sentinel program aims to modernize the nation's ground-based component of the strategic triad through 2075.