新斯科舍省特伦顿镇因将未经处理的污水倒入小溪中而被罚款 10 万美元,并承认违反了《渔业法》。 The Town of Trenton, Nova Scotia, was fined $100,000 for spilling raw sewage into a brook, pleading guilty to violating the Fisheries Act.
新斯科舍省中部的特伦顿镇因将未经处理的污水倒入小溪而被联邦环境部罚款 10 万美元。 A town in central Nova Scotia, the Town of Trenton, has been fined $100,000 by the federal Environment Department for spilling raw sewage into a brook. 该镇在皮克图县省法院承认一项违反联邦渔业法的罪名。 The town pleaded guilty in provincial court in Pictou County on one count of violating the federal Fisheries Act. 罚款和额外罚款将用于联邦政府用于修复全国环境破坏的基金。 The fine and additional penalties will go toward a fund used by the federal government to repair environmental damage across the country.