政府敦促将产假工资提高一倍,以达到最低工资标准。 Government urged to double maternity pay to reach minimum wage.
Unison 和 Maternity Action 的一项研究发现,由于生育工资微薄,母亲们在自己吃饭和取暖之间面临着艰难的选择。 Mothers are facing difficult choices between feeding themselves and heating their homes due to stingy maternity pay, a study by Unison and Maternity Action has found. 研究发现,十分之七的母亲为了省钱而关闭了恒温器,而超过一半的母亲完全关闭了暖气。 It discovered that seven in ten mothers have turned down their thermostat to save money, while over half turned off the heating entirely. 超过三分之一的受访母亲承认不吃饭或吃得很少。 More than a third of mothers surveyed admitted to skipping meals or eating smaller portions. 这些组织呼吁政府将产假工资提高一倍,以确保其等于全国最低工资。 The organisations have called for the government to double maternity pay to ensure it is equal to the national minimum wage. 人们敦促政府将产假工资提高一倍以上,使其等于最低工资,因为母亲们被迫在吃饭和取暖之间做出选择。 The government has been urged to more than double maternity pay so it is equal to minimum wage as mothers are being forced to choose between eating and heating their homes.