研究发现伟哥可能有助于治疗患有新生儿脑病的婴儿缺氧。 Study finds Viagra may help treat oxygen deprivation in babies with neonatal encephalopathy.
蒙特利尔儿童医院进行的一项新研究表明,以治疗勃起功能障碍而闻名的伟哥可能有助于治疗怀孕或分娩期间缺氧的婴儿,这种情况称为新生儿脑病。 A new study conducted at the Montreal Children's Hospital suggests that Viagra, known for treating erectile dysfunction, may help treat babies who experience oxygen deprivation during pregnancy or birth, a condition called neonatal encephalopathy. 研究人员发现,尽管进行低温治疗,但对脑损伤婴儿施用西地那非是可行且安全的。 The researchers found that administering sildenafil to babies with brain damage despite therapeutic hypothermia was feasible and safe.