在巴西圣保罗州坎皮纳斯发现的罕见感染狂犬病的白耳负鼠引起了健康警报。 Rare rabies-infected white-eared opossum found in Campinas, São Paulo state, Brazil, poses health alert.
巴西圣保罗州坎皮纳斯市的 Bosque dos Jequitibás 公园发现了一例罕见的感染狂犬病的白耳负鼠,由于城市环境中存在这种致命病毒,因此发出了健康警报。 A rare case of a rabies-infected white-eared opossum has been found in Bosque dos Jequitibás Park, Campinas, São Paulo state, Brazil, posing a health alert due to the presence of the deadly virus in the urban environment. 这只死于狂犬病脑膜脑炎的负鼠对其他哺乳动物中可能存在这种病毒发出了警告,由于成功的疫苗接种活动,圣保罗州已经消除了狗的狂犬病。 The opossum, which died from rabies meningoencephalitis, served as a warning for the possible presence of the virus in other mammals, as dog rabies has been eliminated in São Paulo state thanks to successful vaccination campaigns.