一名印度国民在澳大利亚昆士兰州死亡。 An Indian national died in Queensland, Australia.
澳大利亚昆士兰州遭遇暴雨和雷暴天气,一名印度国民在洪水中丧生。 An Indian national has died in flooding in Queensland, Australia, as severe weather hits the region with heavy rain and thunderstorms. 印度驻堪培拉高级专员公署已表示哀悼,并与死者家属保持联系,提供一切可能的帮助。 The Indian High Commission in Canberra has expressed condolences and is in touch with the family, providing all possible assistance. 有关受害者的更多细节尚未透露。 Further details about the victim have not been revealed. 气象局已向该地区发布严重雷暴警报。 The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a severe thunderstorm alert for the region.