FromSoftware 于 2023 年 4 月从 Bandai Namco 手中收购了《Elden Ring》知识产权的全部所有权。 FromSoftware acquired full ownership of Elden Ring's intellectual property from Bandai Namco in April 2023.
据报道,根据游戏商标记录的变化,FromSoftware 已完全拥有《Elden Ring》特许经营权。 FromSoftware has reportedly taken full ownership of the Elden Ring franchise, according to changes to the trademark recordings for the game. 此前,发行商万代南梦宫保留了部分特许经营权,但现在看来,这一所有权已归还给 FromSoftware。 Previously, publisher Bandai Namco had retained some share in the franchise's rights, but it appears that this ownership has now reverted to FromSoftware. 据报道,这一变化于 2023 年 4 月 24 日生效,但最近才被发现。 The change reportedly came into effect on April 24, 2023, but was only spotted recently. 转让原因尚不清楚,但可能与索尼和腾讯对FromSoftware的投资有关。 The reasons for the transfer are not clear, but it may be related to investments in FromSoftware from Sony and Tencent.