津巴布韦前信息部长的妻子康斯坦斯·沙姆胡 (Constance Shamhu) 被指控未能在其加油站显示燃油价格,导致该加油站被关闭,燃料被泽拉扣押。 Constance Shamhu, wife of former Zimbabwe info minister, was charged with failing to display fuel prices at her service station, leading to the station's closure and fuel seizure by Zera.
前信息部长 Webster Shamhu 的妻子 Constance 因未能在 Webcon (Pvt) Total Highglen 公司旗下的加油站显示燃油价格而出庭。 Former Information Minister Webster Shamhu's wife, Constance, has appeared in court for failing to display fuel prices at her service station, under the company Webcon (Pvt) Total Highglen. 该公司因此被罚款 300 美元。 The company was fined $300 for the offense. 津巴布韦能源监管局 (ZERA) 提出投诉,并在 2 月 14 日走访该公司后发现,尽管该公司仍在运营,但并未显示燃油价格。 Zimbabwe Energy Regulation Authority (ZERA) filed the complaint, and after a visit to the company on February 14 found no displayed fuel prices, despite the business being operational. 康斯坦斯被捕,导致加油站关闭,燃料被没收并置于 ZERA 封印之下。 Constance was arrested, leading to the closure of the fuel station, and the fuel was seized and placed under ZERA seals.