情人节那天,一辆价值 35 万英镑的法拉利在沃里克郡 A46 公路上撞上护栏,司机安然逃脱。 On Valentine's Day, a £350k Ferrari crashed into a barrier on A46 in Warwickshire, with the driver escaping unharmed.
情人节那天,一名司机驾驶着价值 35 万英镑的法拉利,在沃里克郡 A46 高速公路上撞上中央护栏后成功逃脱。 A driver managed to escape unharmed after crashing his £350,000 Ferrari into a central barrier on the A46 in Warwickshire on Valentine's Day. 这辆6.3升发动机的跑车的司机失去控制并与护栏相撞,但事件中没有其他人受伤。 The 6.3-litre engine sports car's driver lost control and collided with the barrier, but no one else was injured in the incident. 沃里克郡 OPU 赶到现场协助打捞车辆。 Warwickshire OPU attended the scene to assist with the recovery of the vehicle. 该活动引发了社交媒体上有关驾驶高性能车辆所需的技能和责任的讨论。 The event sparked discussions on social media about the skills and responsibilities required for driving high-performance vehicles.