4 月 26 日,两名少女科拉·波托斯基 (Cora Potoski) 和多米·马尔科姆森 (Dommie Malcolmson) 在不列颠哥伦比亚省坎贝尔河失踪,她们可能躲在夸德拉岛森林中,缺乏户外活动经验。 Two teenage girls, Cora Potoski and Dommie Malcolmson, went missing in Campbell River, BC on April 26th, likely hiding in Quadra Island forests with inexperience in the outdoors.
4 月 26 日,两名少女科拉·波托斯基 (Cora Potoski) 和多米·马尔科姆森 (Dommie Malcolmson) 在不列颠哥伦比亚省坎贝尔河失踪。 Two teenage girls, Cora Potoski and Dommie Malcolmson, went missing from Campbell River, British Columbia, on April 26th. 两人乘坐渡轮抵达夸德拉岛,此后就再也没有出现过。 The pair arrived on Quadra Island via ferry and have not been seen since. 警方认为,他们可能躲在夸德拉岛的森林里,由于缺乏户外活动经验,对当地情况准备不足。 Police believe they may be hiding out in the forests of Quadra Island and are ill-prepared for the conditions, as they lack experience with the outdoors. 由于岛上灌木丛茂密,空中搜索效率不高。 An air search has not been deemed efficient due to the dense bush on the island. 家人和公众被要求留意女孩或其露营地的任何迹象。 Families and the public are asked to be on the lookout for any signs of the girls or their campsite.