南卡罗来纳州参议院批准《同情关怀法案》。 South Carolina Senate approves "Compassionate Care Act".
南卡罗来纳州参议院批准了“同情护理法案”,该法案建立了有限的医用大麻计划。 The South Carolina Senate has approved the "Compassionate Care Act," a bill that establishes a limited medical marijuana program. 该法案仅允许在油、药膏、贴片和蒸发器中使用大麻,而吸食大麻仍然是非法的。 The Act allows for marijuana use only in oils, salves, patches, and vaporizers, while smoking marijuana remains illegal. 该法案以 26 票对 17 票获得通过,现在将提交众议院,两年前该法案曾因技术问题而未能通过。 The bill was approved with a 26-17 vote and will now head to the House, where it previously failed due to a technicality two years ago. 如果麦克马斯特州长通过并签署,该法案将使南卡罗来纳州成为第 39 个医用大麻合法化的州。 If passed and signed by Governor McMaster, the act would make South Carolina the 39th state to legalize medical cannabis.