《佛罗里达第3号修正案》旨在以严格的安全条例将娱乐性大麻合法化。 Florida's Amendment 3 aims to legalize recreational marijuana with strict safety regulations.
《佛罗里达第3号修正案》寻求将娱乐性大麻合法化,强调严格条例,类似于关于医疗用大麻的条例。 Florida's Amendment 3 seeks to legalize recreational marijuana with an emphasis on stringent regulations similar to those governing medical marijuana. 支持者认为,这将通过定期检测污染物和重金属,减少对不受管制的黑市产品的依赖,确保产品安全。 Proponents argue that this will ensure product safety through regular testing for contaminants and heavy metals, reducing reliance on unregulated black market products. 如果获得通过,立法者将在该修正案于2025年5月生效之前制定补充条例,旨在为消费者创造更安全的环境。 If passed, lawmakers will establish additional regulations before the amendment takes effect in May 2025, aiming to create a safer environment for consumers.