新罕布什尔州男子被控二级谋杀。 New Hampshire man charged with 2nd-degree murder.
新罕布什尔州男子杰西·詹姆斯·沙利文 (Jesse James Sullivan) 被指控犯有二级谋杀罪,并在其 19 岁同父异母的兄弟扎卡里·沙利文 (Zackary Sullivan) 死亡事件中伪造证据。 A New Hampshire man, Jesse James Sullivan, has been charged with second-degree murder and falsifying evidence in the death of his 19-year-old half-brother, Zackary Sullivan. 这起事件发生在 1 月 16 日,当时警方在加文斯福尔斯路 (Garvins Falls Road) 的一处住宅中发现扎卡里颈部中枪。 The incident occurred on January 16th, when police found Zackary with a gunshot wound to the neck at a residence on Garvins Falls Road. 杰西·沙利文被指控鲁莽地开枪射击扎卡里,并随后丢弃了犯罪中使用的手枪,导致扎卡里死亡。 Jesse Sullivan is accused of recklessly causing Zackary's death by shooting him and subsequently discarding the handgun used in the crime. 他目前已被拘留,预计将于周二在康科德巡回法院受审。 He is currently in custody and is expected to be arraigned on Tuesday at Concord Circuit Court.