韩国和阿联酋举行了今年首次联合反恐演习。 South Korea and the UAE conducted their first joint anti-terrorism drills of the year.
韩国驻阿拉伯联合酋长国的Akh军事部队与阿联酋军队一起进行了今年首次联合反恐演习,重点演练人质营救、直升机狙击射击以及与劫船和武器转让相关的场景。 South Korea's Akh military unit in the United Arab Emirates conducted the first joint anti-terrorism drills of the year alongside UAE troops, focusing on hostage rescues, helicopter sniper shooting, and scenarios related to ship hijacking and arms transfers. 此次合作旨在提高地面和海上反恐行动能力,并计划在今年晚些时候举行更多演习。 The cooperation aims to improve capabilities in ground-based and maritime anti-terrorism operations, with more exercises planned for later this year. 此次合作是在 2018 年达成一项旨在加强两国国防和军火工业联系的协议之后进行的。 The collaboration follows a 2018 agreement to strengthen defense and arms industry ties between the two nations.