韩国和美国将举行“自由之盾”军事演习。 South Korea and the US will conduct Freedom Shield military drills.
韩国和美国将于3月4日至14日举行年度“自由之盾”军事演习,重点关注朝鲜使用核武器的可能性。 South Korea and the US will conduct their annual Freedom Shield military drills from March 4-14, focusing on North Korea's potential use of nuclear weapons. 此次演习正值朝鲜继续发展其核能力之际,近几个月增加了导弹试验。 The exercises come as North Korea continues to develop its nuclear capabilities, with increased missile tests in recent months. 此举可能会激怒朝鲜,因为朝鲜将联合训练视为入侵预演。 This move is likely to enrage North Korea, as it views the joint training as an invasion rehearsal.