小型私人飞机紧急降落在布法罗尼亚加拉国际机场。 Small private plane with made emergency landing at Buffalo Niagara International Airport.
一架载有两人的小型私人飞机在后门脱落后紧急降落在布法罗尼亚加拉国际机场。 A small private plane with two people on board made an emergency landing at Buffalo Niagara International Airport after its rear door fell off. 飞机安全着陆,没有地面人员受伤或财产损失的报告。 The plane landed safely, with no reports of injuries or property damage on the ground. 事件发生在下午5点30分左右。当飞机飞过机场以南几英里的奇克托瓦加上空时。 The incident occurred around 5:30 p.m. as the plane flew over Cheektowaga, a few miles south of the airport. 警察已经搜查了该地区,但尚未找到门。 Police officers have searched the area but have not yet located the door.