雅典希腊航运公司发生枪击事件,造成四人死亡。 Shooting at Greek shipping firm in Athens leaves four dead.
希腊雅典一家航运公司周一发生枪击事件,造成该公司老板和枪手嫌疑人等四人死亡。 A shooting incident occurred at a Greek shipping company in Athens on Monday, resulting in four deaths including the owner of the company and the suspected gunman. 枪手是一名前雇员,他进入大楼开枪后自杀。 The gunman, a former employee, entered the building and opened fire before taking his own life. 枪击动机尚不清楚,但据信行凶者是一名心怀不满的前雇员。 The motive for the shooting remains unclear, but the perpetrator is believed to have been a disgruntled former employee. 紧急服务部门和反恐部队已赶到现场,大楼周围区域已被封锁。 Emergency services and anti-terrorism forces were on the scene, and the area around the building was cordoned off.