前达拉斯牛仔队进攻前锋托尼·赫特森(Tony Hutson)(49 岁)去世,死因不明;效力了 6 个赛季,其中 4 个赛季效力于牛仔队。 Former Dallas Cowboys offensive lineman Tony Hutson (49) passed away, cause unknown; played 6 seasons, including 4 with Cowboys.
前达拉斯牛仔队进攻前锋托尼·赫特森去世,享年 49 岁,但死因尚未披露。 Former Dallas Cowboys offensive lineman Tony Hutson passed away at the age of 49, though the cause of his death has not been disclosed. 赫特森在国家橄榄球联盟效力了六个赛季,其中四个赛季效力于达拉斯牛仔队。 Hutson played for six seasons in the National Football League, including four with the Dallas Cowboys. 他以未选秀自由球员的身份在 NFL 开始了自己的职业生涯,后来于 2000 年为华盛顿指挥官队效力,直至 2024 年 2 月去世。 He started his career in the NFL as an undrafted free agent and later played for the Washington Commanders in 2000 before his death in February 2024.