环岛车道混乱导致英国路怒事件,这是道路使用者的一个重大担忧。 Roundabout lane confusion leads to UK road rage incidents, a significant concern for road users.
环岛车道的混乱导致了路怒事件,并被认为是英国道路使用者的一个重大担忧。 Confusion over roundabout lanes has led to road rage incidents and has been identified as a significant concern for road users in the UK. 《公路法规》为环岛导航提供了明确的说明:第一个出口向左行驶,打左信号灯,从左侧车道驶入,在环岛内保持左侧行驶,然后继续打左信号灯退出。 The Highway Code provides clear instructions for navigating roundabouts: for the first exit to the left, signal left, approach in the left-hand lane, stay left on the roundabout, and continue signalling left to exit. 如需从右侧出口或转一整圈,请打右灯并从右侧车道驶入。 For exits to the right or going full circle, signal right and approach in the right-hand lane. 然而,打算直行的司机可以使用任一车道,并且通常不需要在接近时打灯。 Drivers intending to go straight on, however, can use either lane and should not normally need to signal on approach.