尼日利亚超级老鹰队队长艾哈迈德·穆萨在非洲国家杯决赛失利受到批评后呼吁停止对中场球员亚历克斯·伊沃比的网络欺凌。 Nigeria's Super Eagles captain Ahmed Musa calls for an end to cyberbullying of midfielder Alex Iwobi after criticism in African Cup of Nations final loss.
尼日利亚超级鹰队队长艾哈迈德·穆萨呼吁结束对中场球员亚历克斯·伊沃比的网络欺凌,后者因其在非洲国家杯决赛中输给科特迪瓦的比赛中的表现而受到批评。 Nigeria's Super Eagles captain, Ahmed Musa, has called for an end to the cyberbullying of midfielder Alex Iwobi, who faced criticism over his performance in the team's loss to Cote d'Ivoire in the African Cup of Nations final. 穆萨强调,将球队的缺点归咎于一名球员是不公平和不公正的,他们作为一个团队赢得和失败。 Musa emphasized that it's unfair and unjust to blame one player for the team's shortcomings, and that they win and lose as a team. 他敦促球迷向球员表达爱和支持,而不是散布消极情绪和参与网络欺凌。 He urged fans to show love and support to the players rather than spreading negativity and engaging in cyberbullying.