卡塔尔释放了八名印度海军退伍军人。 Qatar frees eight Indians Navy veterans.
卡塔尔已释放八名在卡塔尔被判处死刑的前印度海军人员,其中四分之三已返回印度。 Eight former Indian Navy personnel, who were sentenced to death in Qatar, have been released by Qatar and three-quarters have returned to India. 海军退伍军人被指控从事间谍活动。 The Navy veterans had been accused of espionage. 返回印度后,他们赞扬莫迪总理释放他们,并将其归功于他持续的外交努力。 Upon returning to India, they praised Prime Minister Modi for their release, attributing it to his sustained diplomatic efforts. 印度外交部对卡塔尔释放印度人的决定表示赞赏,并正式宣布八人中的七人已返回自己的国家。 The Indian Ministry of External Affairs appreciated Qatar’s decision to release the Indians and officially announced that seven of the eight have returned to their country.