女演员艾莉莎·米兰诺 (Alyssa Milano) 因在为儿子的棒球队开展 GoFundMe 筹款活动时参加超级碗而遭到强烈反对。 Actress Alyssa Milano faced backlash for attending Super Bowl while running GoFundMe campaign for her son's baseball team.
女演员艾莉莎·米兰诺 (Alyssa Milano) 发起 GoFundMe 活动,为儿子的棒球队筹集前往客场比赛的资金,随后因与儿子一起观看超级碗而遭到强烈反对。 Actress Alyssa Milano has faced backlash for attending the Super Bowl with her son after launching a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for her son's baseball team to travel to away games. Milano 到 2024 年的估计净资产约为 1000 万美元,但她的筹款活动成功为这一事业筹集了超过 15,000 美元。 Milano's estimated net worth in 2024 is around $10 million, but her fundraiser was successful in raising over $15,000 for the cause. 粉丝们批评了这次筹款活动,一些人质疑她在竞选期间参加超级碗比赛。 Fans criticized the fundraiser, with some questioning her attendance at the Super Bowl amidst the campaign.