塔姆沃思市游泳俱乐部派出 19 名游泳运动员参加乡村锦标赛,超出预期。 Tamworth City Swimming Club surpasses expectations with 19-swimmer squad for Country Championships.
塔姆沃思市游泳俱乐部参加乡村锦标赛的人数之多,令教练西蒙·安德伦 (Simon Andren) 感到惊讶。 The Tamworth City Swimming Club has surprised coach Simon Andren with a strong turnout for the Country Championships. 该俱乐部共有 19 名队员,其中包括四支接力队和三名个人游泳运动员,他们的目标是在比赛中大放异彩。 With a squad of 19, which includes four relay teams and three individual swimmers, the club aims to shine at the competition. 此外,圣约瑟夫小学庆祝了他们成功的游泳嘉年华,展示了团队精神和迎接挑战的意愿。 Additionally, St Joseph's Primary School celebrated their successful swimming carnival, showcasing team spirit and a willingness to embrace challenges.