Edward Little's girls's directive team clind their first class A 头衔,由Gabby Roy领导,Camden Hills再次赢得B级冠军。 Edward Little's girls' swim team clinched their first Class A title, led by Gabby Roy; Camden Hills won Class B again.
Edward Little's girls's 游泳队在KVAC锦标赛获得A级冠军, 得分287分, 由小Gabby Roy领导, 他赢得了两次比赛, Edward Little's girls' swim team won their first Class A title at the KVAC championships with 287 points, led by junior Gabby Roy who won two races and was named co-swimmer of the meet. 在B类中,Camden Hills以392个点连续获得其第二位头衔,高二Flynn Layton强调这一点,他赢得了多次活动,并被命名为会议游泳运动员。 In Class B, Camden Hills secured their second consecutive title with 392 points, highlighted by sophomore Flynn Layton, who won multiple events and was named swimmer of the meet.