因《伦敦生活》和《神探夏洛克》而出名的爱尔兰演员安德鲁·斯科特提议每周出售伦敦西区剧院的门票,让年轻观众更能买得起,旨在防止剧院因高票价而变得精英化。 Irish actor Andrew Scott, known for Fleabag and Sherlock, proposes weekly sales of West End theatre tickets to make them more affordable for younger audiences, aiming to prevent theatre from becoming elitist due to high ticket prices.
因出演《伦敦生活》和《神探夏洛克》而闻名的爱尔兰演员安德鲁·斯科特建议,西区剧院的门票应该每周销售一次,以应对票价高达 150 英镑的高昂票价。 Irish actor Andrew Scott, known for his roles in Fleabag and Sherlock, has suggested that there should be weekly sales of West End theatre tickets in response to the high cost of tickets, which can be up to £150. 斯科特因其戏剧作品获得了奥利弗奖,他认为这将使戏剧更容易被年轻人接受,并帮助它避免被视为一种精英主义艺术形式。 Scott, who has won Olivier Awards for his theatre work, believes that this would make theatre more accessible to young people and help it avoid being perceived as an elitist art form.