迈阿密热火队球员海伍德·海史密斯因车祸缺席比赛;没有人身伤害,但因个人原因缺席。 Miami Heat's Haywood Highsmith misses game due to car accident; no personal injury but out for personal reasons.
热火队前锋海伍德·海史密斯在周二午夜后遭遇车祸,将缺席周三对阵圣安东尼奥马刺队的比赛。 Heat forward Haywood Highsmith was involved in a car accident after midnight Tuesday night and will miss Wednesday's game against the San Antonio Spurs. 热火队在一份声明中证实了这一事件,但没有提供有关事故或海史密斯受伤的详细信息。 The Heat confirmed the incident in a statement but did not give details about the crash or Highsmith's injuries. 海史密斯没有被捕,球队的声明中也没有提及他的受伤情况。 Highsmith was not arrested and there was no mention of his injuries in the team's statement. 周二晚上,热火队以 121-95 击败奥兰多魔术队。 The Heat defeated the Orlando Magic 121-95 on Tuesday night.