卡尔加里一名男子在赌场分发可卡因样本后被指控贩毒。 Man in Calgary charged with drug-trafficking after distributing cocaine samples at a casino.
卡尔加里一名 30 岁男子在圣诞节期间向赌场游客分发载有免费可卡因样品的名片,警方发现他被指控贩毒。 A 30-year old man in Calgary has been charged with drug-trafficking after police found him handing out business cards with free samples of cocaine to casino-goers over the Christmas holidays. 尽管这些卡片上有该男子使用的化名,但所提供的联系方式使警方能够追踪他并收集证据,最终将他逮捕。 Although the cards bore an alias used by the man, the contact details provided enabled the police to track him down and gather evidence, ultimately leading to his arrest. 警方还搜查了一辆车辆,查获近 60 克可卡因、电子秤、现金和更多名片。 Officers also searched a vehicle and recovered nearly 60 grams of cocaine, along with a digital scale, cash and more business cards.