伊利诺伊州男子 Corey Minemann 因 8 月 8 日在 Oakdale Blacktop Road 发生致命自行车碰撞而被捕,导致自行车手 Randy Love 死亡,被控严重酒后驾车和鲁莽杀人罪。 Illinois man Corey Minemann, charged with aggravated DUI & reckless homicide, arrested for fatal Aug 8 bike collision on Oakdale Blacktop Road, resulting in the death of bicyclist Randy Love.
伊利诺伊州男子 Corey Minemann 因 2023 年 8 月 8 日发生的致命自行车碰撞事故被捕。 An Illinois man, Corey Minemann, has been arrested in connection with a fatal bike collision on August 8, 2023. 米内曼被指控犯有酒后驾驶和鲁莽杀人两项严重罪名。 Minemann was charged with two counts of aggravated driving under the influence of alcohol and reckless homicide. 骑自行车的人兰迪·洛夫 (Randy Love) 在奥克代尔布莱克托普路 (Oakdale Blacktop Road) 的车祸现场死亡。 The bicyclist, Randy Love, died at the scene of the crash on Oakdale Blacktop Road. 米内曼于 2 月 6 日在伦道夫县被拘留,目前正在等待拘留听证会。 Minemann was taken into custody on February 6 in Randolph County and is currently awaiting a detention hearing.