因左转时未减速,19 岁的印第安纳州摩托车手在香槟车祸中丧生。 19-year-old Indiana motorcyclist dies in Champaign crash due to car failing to yield while turning left.
19 岁的印第安纳州摩托车手因左转时未减速而发生香槟车祸身亡。 19-year-old Indiana motorcyclist dies in Champaign crash after car fails to yield while turning left. 事故发生在大学街和第四街的交叉口,摩托车手被抛出并受了致命伤。 The accident occurred at the intersection of University and Fourth Street, and the motorcyclist was ejected and sustained fatal injuries. 该汽车司机因未让行而被指控。 The car driver was cited for failing to yield. 香槟警方正在调查,并请求任何掌握相关信息或视频的人与他们联系。 Champaign Police are investigating and requesting anyone with information or video footage to contact them.