亚马逊在纽卡斯尔为 Prime 会员推出次日达服务,提供超过 100 万件符合资格的产品。 Amazon launches next-day delivery for Prime members in Newcastle with over a million eligible products.
亚马逊在纽卡斯尔为 Prime 会员推出了次日送达服务。 Amazon has launched a next day delivery service in Newcastle for Prime members. 该服务在部分邮政编码地区提供,允许客户在午夜之前订购商品并在第二天收到货物。 The service, available in select postcodes, allows customers to order items up to midnight and receive their goods the next day. 通过该服务提供超过 100 万种产品,Prime 会员费用为每年 79 美元或每月 9.99 美元。 Over a million products are offered through the service, with Prime memberships costing $79 a year or $9.99 per month.