亚马逊以我的Q设备在加拿大为首选成员提供室内送货服务。 Amazon launches in-garage delivery service with myQ devices in Canada for select Prime members.
亚马逊已经在加拿大为特定的Prime会员推出了车库内送货服务,可在1700多个地点使用. Amazon has launched an in-garage delivery service for select Prime members in Canada, available in over 1,700 locations. 该服务使用myQ智能车库设备,允许包裹安全地送到车库,保护它们免受天气破坏和盗窃. The service utilizes myQ Smart Garage devices, allowing packages to be securely delivered to garages, protecting them from weather damage and theft. 预定交货日期的客户可以避免收费,而不这样做的客户则会收取每次交货1.99美元的费用. Customers who schedule their delivery date can avoid fees, while those who do not will incur a $1.99 charge per drop-off. 这一举措旨在加强对顾客的便利。 This initiative aims to enhance convenience for shoppers.