一架水上飞机在河湖和威普莱恩机场附近的密西西比河上坠毁,然后在一名划船者和当地救援人员的帮助下逃生,飞行员没有受伤。 Pilot unharmed after crashing, then escaping, a float plane in the Mississippi River, near River Lake and Wipline Airport, with aid from a boater and local responders.
周日,一架小型水上飞机在密西西比河坠毁,一名飞行员成功逃脱。 A pilot managed to escape injury after crash landing a small float plane in the Mississippi River on Sunday. 事件发生在 River Lake 和 Wipline 机场以北。 The incident took place just north of River Lake and the Wipline Airport. 飞机在河上翻了,但飞行员成功爬出机翼,然后被划船者救起,并把他带到了码头。 The plane flipped over on the river, but the pilot was able to get out and climb onto a wing before being rescued by a boater who brought him to a marina. 因弗格罗夫高地的消防队员和警察赶到现场。 Firefighters and police from Inver Grove Heights responded to the scene.