宏利金融公司将在任何药房承保特殊药物,结束与 Loblaw Cos. Ltd. 的独家安排,以解决患者的担忧。 Manulife Financial Corp. will cover specialty drugs at any pharmacy, ending their exclusive arrangement with Loblaw Cos. Ltd., to address patients' concerns.
宏利金融公司 (Manulife Financial Corp.) 因与 Loblaw Cos. Ltd. 签署独家协议而遭到强烈反对后,宣布将在任何药房承保特殊药物。 Manulife Financial Corp. has announced that it will cover specialty drugs at any pharmacy after facing backlash for signing an exclusive arrangement with Loblaw Cos. Ltd. 该公司首席执行官 Naveed Irshad 表示,他们听取了患者的担忧,并希望确保其承保范围内的所有加拿大人在管理自己的健康方面拥有选择、访问和灵活性。 The company's CEO, Naveed Irshad, stated that they listened to patients' concerns and want to ensure all Canadians under their coverage have choice, access, and flexibility in managing their health. 宏利计划迅速实施这一变革。 Manulife plans to implement the change swiftly.