由于技术问题,爱尔兰国防部永久停飞价值 800 万欧元的里尔喷气式飞机;采购更换,无交货日期。 Irish Dept of Defence permanently grounds €8m Learjet due to tech issues; procures replacement, no delivery date.
爱尔兰国防部对其价值 800 万欧元的政府型里尔喷气式飞机失去了信任,并已永久停止使用它。 The Irish Department of Defence has lost trust in its €8 million government Learjet and has taken it out of service permanently. 这一决定是在一系列技术问题之后做出的,其中包括西蒙·哈里斯部长无法使用这架飞机执行飞往比利时的计划航班。 This decision follows a series of tech issues, including an instance in which Minister Simon Harris could not use the jet for a planned flight to Belgium. 目前正在采购一架新的政府飞机,但没有预计的交付日期。 A new government jet is currently being procured, but there is no estimated delivery date.