攀登战争纪念碑的抗议者可能面临牢狱之灾。 Protesters climbing war memorials could face jail.
内政大臣詹姆斯·克莱维利 (James Cleverly) 提出新立法,以阻止抗议者攀爬战争纪念碑,这可能导致最高三个月的监禁和 1,000 英镑的罚款。 Home Secretary James Cleverly proposes new legislation to deter protesters from climbing on war memorials, potentially resulting in up to three months in prison and a £1,000 fine. 在此之前,人们对公众示威期间尊重和保护战争纪念碑表示担忧。 This follows concerns regarding the respect and protection of war memorials during public demonstrations. 拟议的法律旨在保护这些具有国家重要性的历史地标,也是对在战争中丧生的军人的尊重的象征。 The proposed law aims to preserve these historical landmarks, which hold national importance and are symbols of respect for service members who lost their lives in wars.