美国上诉法院推翻了 2021 年的裁决,允许西雅图反涂鸦执法。 U.S. Court of Appeals reverses 2021 ruling, allowing Seattle's anti-graffiti law enforcement.
在联邦上诉法院做出裁决后,西雅图将恢复执行反涂鸦法。 Seattle will resume enforcing anti-graffiti laws after a federal appeals court ruling. 该决定推翻了下级法院的一项裁决,该裁决阻止人们因涂鸦罪被指控犯有轻罪。 The decision reverses a lower court ruling that prevented people from being charged with a misdemeanor for graffiti offenses. 该市的涂鸦条例将涂鸦定为严重的轻罪,但该条例已被美国地方法院的一名法官叫停,理由是担心该法律的模糊性和潜在的言论自由问题。 The city's graffiti ordinance, which makes graffiti a gross misdemeanor, had been halting by a U.S. District Court judge, citing concerns about the vagueness of the law and potential free-speech issues.