三名男子因涉嫌入室盗窃而在哈勒索文被捕; 31 岁的艾伦·戴维斯 (Alan Davies) 因与 Kingswinford 入室盗窃案有关的车辆受到指控,其他人被保释。 Three men arrested in Halesowen on suspicion of burglary; vehicle linked to Kingswinford burglary, 31-yr-old Alan Davies charged, others bailed.
三名男子在哈勒索文因涉嫌入室盗窃而被捕,他们所乘坐的车辆在主动巡逻期间被布赖尔利山警察拦下。 Three men were arrested in Halesowen on suspicion of burglary after the vehicle they were in was stopped by Brierley Hill Police during proactive patrols. 警方认为这辆车与金斯温福德的一起入室盗窃案有关。 The police believed the vehicle was linked to a burglary in Kingswinford. 两名男子已获保释,31 岁的艾伦·戴维斯 (Alan Davies) 被指控入室盗窃,将于本月晚些时候出庭。 Two men were released on bail, while 31-year-old Alan Davies was charged with burglary and is set to appear in court later this month.